Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Organic Elixirs|Vegetable Juice for Newbie Juicers

This is only from my own juicing experiments. Everyone has different taste so I encourage you to experiment on your own too. Most people I know that make there own veggie juice say the taste takes some getting used too. I'll be the first to admit that most home made veggie juice taste awful if not mixed right. Leafy vegetables leave a bitter taste in you mouth and have a dirty smell to it, but if blended correctly will go good with carrot juice. Carrot juice is sweet and could be considered a good base for most of you juices, but if you have diabetes you might not use as many carrots. Beets are similar to carrots in that they too are very sweet and add a pretty color to you juice. Like I said before though carrots and beets are very sweet and taste good but are limited in the nutrients that you are going to receive from green leafy veggies like kale, lettuce, and chard. I prefer to use about half carrot and/or beet juice with a blend of my favorite leafy greens to go along with it. A touch of garlic will help to neutralize any bitterness, but don't use to much one clove will do fine for a serving.